Dear Cattle Ranchers — Don’t Take the Impossible BaitImpossible Foods newly launched campaign “We are Meat” is worthy of only one response. Ignore it.Apr 8, 20211Apr 8, 20211
Published inFuture HumanFacing Severe Droughts, Ranchers Are Resorting to Using Fracking Water to Save Their LandUsing a patent-pending cleaning process, a Wyoming company hopes to water ranchlands with the notoriously nasty byproduct from oil and gas…Mar 17, 20215Mar 17, 20215
Published inFuture HumanWhat Thanksgiving Turkeys Represent About America’s Food-Insecure FutureThe modern American turkey is the epitome of “get big or get out”Nov 23, 20202Nov 23, 20202
Published inFuture Human‘Super Daddy’ Animals With Elite Sperm Could Breed Their Way to Climate Change SurvivalLivestock with gene-edited testicles can help humans survive an increasingly food-insecure worldOct 27, 20205Oct 27, 20205
Can Farmers Reverse Climate Change and Save the World?Woody Harrleson says so.Sep 22, 202013Sep 22, 202013
Published inFuture HumanCow Farts Are Not the ProblemCows could be a climate change solution — if we take the science seriouslyAug 17, 202018Aug 17, 202018
Published inOneZeroTiny Weed-Killing Robots Could Make Pesticides ObsoleteThis swarm of robots may herald a chemical-free food revolutionJul 1, 202034Jul 1, 202034
Coronavirus Panic is Not the Media’s FaultStop Blaming the Media for Basic Human NatureMar 6, 2020Mar 6, 2020
4 Every-Day Idioms Inspired By Farm LifeI’m writing about it until the ‘cows come home’Jan 27, 20202Jan 27, 20202